Inspiration Point, 1892

May 18, 2016 tour. Courtesy of Martin Balding

Susanville’s Inspiration Point is one of my favorite local spots. It also a place I like to take first time visitors to, so to get a better idea of the layout of the region, as there is so much to see. It has been awhile since I did an Inspiration Point tour, so may be this fall.

The following description is from the Lassen Advocate of March 31, 1892, that I thought some might enjoy:

“A Beautiful View. Any clear, bright day, when the atmospheric conditions are favorable, a lovely view may be obtained of the upper end of the Honey Lake Valley, from the bluff at the back of Susanville. With the unaided eye one my see steam arising from the Hot Springs on the shores of Honey Lake, fifteen or twenty miles distant and plainly distinguish familiar objects and residences more than half that distance. Amedee might be seen but for an intervening spur of the mountains to the east. The view from the bluff is well worth seeing. In no other way may one obtain such a comprehensive idea of the extent of the western or upper end of Honey Lake Valley while the beauty of the scene will more than repay climbing of the hill.”


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