An Interesting Fire Editorial

Main Street, Susanville, 1927. Note you can see where the fire burned above the Elks Lodge.

In June 2021 I wrote about a forest fire of 1926 that threatened Susanville, when it jumped the Susan River and spread to Inspiration Point.On July 2, 1926 the Lassen Mail had an editorial “Fire Danger Is Concern of Everyone.” Since it is that time of year when fire danger increases, I thought I would share the newspaper’s observation.

”During the closing days of June Susanville faced conditions that do not usually obtain until August. These conditions will become worse as the season advances and it will require the utmost care on the part of everyone to protect property interests. So far as the town of Susanville is concerned it is now reasonably  well protected from fires that might sweep in from the surrounding hills. But the wealth of Lassen County lies in her forests and these forests are at the mercy of the camper and the tourist.

”The state forestry department should see that a competent fire warden is placed in charge of the Susanville district. He should be a man who realizes the importance of his position and who has the necessary experience. During the past week more damage was done by back fires set by incompetent persons than was done by the original fire. The fire that destroyed Red River timber and finally crossed the Susan River and threatened the town of Susanville was a backfire set by one of those incompetent people that got way beyond control and made the situation worse instead of better.”


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