Susanville Ranch Park, Part II

The ranch as it appeared in 1922, when Fruit Growers owned it.
The ranch as it appeared in 1922, when Fruit Growers owned it.

On October 30,1919, the Fruit Growers Supply Company purchased it from McKissick Cattle Company, for approximately $29,000. Fruit Growers anticipated using Bagwell Springs for a water supply and they would use the ranch land to provide winter pasture for the horses they used in logging. Fruit Growers constructed a water pipeline from the ranch to the mill, but it was never used due to litigation filed by other water right users. Fruit Growers briefly operated their own dairy there and, in 1923, leased it to the O’Kelly family who operated Lassen Dairy through the 1950s. In 1934, Fruit Growers offered to sell the ranch to the City of Susanville. Fruit Growers cited it would make an ideal golf course, that the money received from the golf course could be used to develop the remainder of the property into a park. The City liked the idea, but said no. In 1935, Fruit Growers sold the ranch to the Republic Electric Power Company who wanted to acquire Bagwell Springs as an additional water supply for Susanville. Over the years, that Company went through numerous reorganizations and became CP National. In 1984, CP National donated the ranch to Lassen County, and it is now a county park.

An interesting footnote to the story is that Lassen Community College examined the property for a future campus back in the 1960s, but the asking price was too expensive.

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One thought on “Susanville Ranch Park, Part II”

  1. Hello Tim! Where were/are these buildings located? I love the ranch park, but I can’t place where this site is. I love the old cars and equipment that are still residing there and all the wonderful country and trails, it is a stunning location and I’m very glad that it has been preserved so. Thank you for your hard work and so glad that you are recovering and getting along alright!

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