Fruit Growers Supply Company Trivia

horse logging
Horse logging with big wheels, at Fruit Growers Camp B, north of McCoy Flat Reservoir.

There were many enjoyable aspects when I researched the logging/sawmill operations of the Fruit Growers Supply Company aka Fruit Growers. For starters they kept well detailed records. Their annual reports are a compelling read, and one just never knows what you can find in them.

Fruit Growers 1947 annual reported highlighted many interesting facts, it being the company’s 40th anniversary.  Take for instant, the following:

”The Susanville mill was completed and began cutting timber late in 1921. When cutting started, logging in that area was done with horses. Fifty-two horses were bought locally, 60 in St. Paul and 22 in Iowa. The total of 134 horses had an average cost of $276.67 and the harness for them totaled $13,247.07.

“Four horses would skid with wheels about 2200 feet per load. Modern Diesel D8 tractors bring in about 5,000 feet.”


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