Fruit Growers Photo Op

This six foot diameter ponderosa pine log entering the Fruit Growers’ Susanville mill, 1943—FGS Co.

Whenever an exceptional logging and/or mill scene Fruit Growers made sure the event was captured on film. In turn, in many instances it would appear in the company’s annual report. In a sense it was part promotional and educational tool at the same time. Fruit Growers’ audience was the citrus growers who owned the co-operative and invested in the mills and timberland to provide them an adequate supply of wooden boxes at a reasonable to price to ship their fruit. The majority of the owners had little knowledge of the sawmill industry that they were heavily invested in.

Lunch time at Dow Butte, August 21, 1953. Courtesy of Hank Martinez

What Fruit Growers did was not unique. Many lumber companies did the same to provide illustration to their investors where their money was being spent.


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