An Impressive Logging Camp!

Fruit Growers Supply Company housing, Susanville, 1924—Boyd Benham/Connie Boomer

This was a major labeling blunder by the photographer. The scene depicted is Fruit Growers housing for mill employees in Susanville, located along Alexander Avenue. When Fruit Growers proposed to locate in Susanville, they had wanted to avoid to provide housing, whereas their operation at Hilt was a complete company town. They had hoped some enterprising individuals would step up to the plate to provide housing. That was asking a lot, since Fruit Growers would need housing for over 1,000 employees and their families. Fruit Growers would eventually build 80 houses, in addition to dormitories at a cost of $245,000.

Camp A
Camp A, Fruit Growers Supply Company, located just north of McCoy Flat Reservoir, 1921

The above was a typical Fruit Growers logging camp, that consisted of portable cabins that could be easily moved by rail from one location to another.


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