Whitely’s Furniture Store

Whitely’s Furniture Store, circa 1956—W.V. Laughead

This is one of those instances, that I am relying on seasoned residents to provide the information. Whitely’s Furniture Store was located on the 1400 block of Main Street. While the building is still there, it has been through many tenants over the years. If anyone knows when it was built or anything else, I hope you share it with the rest of us.

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One thought on “Whitely’s Furniture Store”

  1. Tim
    When I was a kid I think it was a Millers Grocery or Meat Market.
    Not sure when it was built. But we shopped there from 1947-
    1955? not real sure of dates. At that time there was no curbs so you pulled in straight off the street. If this is the building across from Burger King

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