Those skinny Susanville kids

Lincoln School
Lincoln School, 1924
Today, there are frequent news reports about obesity in children and adults. This was not always the case. In January 1930, 682 students of the Susanville Elementary School District were weighed and measured and it was found that over one-fourth were under weight. This was considered an alarming figure and it was decided that the children be give proper rest periods after school. In addition, it was recommended the children be given milk and lunch at school.


One thought on “Those skinny Susanville kids”

  1. This is the School I remember growing up in .(Lincoln Elementary in Susanville Calif.) Attended through WWII alway walked to school, Never lived more than 6 blocks away. I think we had a man Principle when I first started , But I know for sure Mrs. Sovey was the most severe Principle, You did not want her to catch you running up the stairs, or in the halls , Unless you wanted to have your ear thisted or your hand bent back spanked with a ruler. I was one of the boys who carried Mrs Soveys Flowers to her home when she moved out of the Principles office . I think Mrs. Rush was Principle . When we carried our books to the New Mckinley about 1950. My next School was Roosevelt Jr. high . as it was called in those days. Sorry to say ; Lincoln, Roosevelt, as well as the old Lassen High are a thing of the past. Some say it is great progress . Others like me wonder. ( Those old steam radiators felt good on those cold snowy mornings) ” We never needed air conditioners in Susanville ! Just the summer break !” Robert L. Ramey

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