The Modoc Line Trail

Upper Biscar Reservoir, as seen from the Modoc Line Trail.

In 1996, the Union Pacific Railroad received permission to abandon    an 85 mile segment of railroad from Wendel to Likely. Since then it has been converted into another “rails to trails.”  It should be duly it was the NCO Railroad that initialy constructed the line and in the 1920s it was acquired by the Southern Pacific  Railroad.

Map showing the route from Karlo to Horse Lake Road.

Personally, I prefer the segment from Karlo, Secret Valley to Horse Lake Road. While, I do not have a preference which way to approach, I think its best to travel it each way, since doing so one sees different perspectives of the area. 

Foundation remains of the Horse Lake Siding, is one of many sites to see. January 27, 2019. Courtesy of Anna Stewart


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