The Grand Cafe & The Sargents

The partially collapsed Grand Cafe.
The partially collapsed Grand Cafe. Courtesy of Helen Sargent

The restaurant business is a tough one that requires shear amount of work and dedication. When the Grand Cafe was first established in 1909, it would go through several owners during the next twelve years until it found some stability with the duo of Sam Vucanovich and Steve Sargent, former operators of the New Brunswick Cafe. In 1928, saw the addition of Helen Zalac, Steve’s new bride, and who became an iconic fixture of the Grand for over a half century.

In 1929, saw one change where Steve bought out his partner, but there was even a bigger change on the horizon, which caught many off guard. In 1934 on the south side of the Grand Cafe excavation work was underway for a new enterprise known as the State Bar and Cafe. This new building would have a complete basement. On Friday, August 31, a portion of the two-story stone building that housed the Grand Cafe partially collapsed when its foundation was undermined by the construction next door.

Steve and Helen Sargent had to make some quick decisions about their future. First, it was decided to carry on and find a temporary location, which they did just down the street at 802 Main Street. Up until this time, the Sargents had leased the building from Marie Doyle. Marie who did not want to be burden to construct a new building, agreed to sell the property to the Sargents. On October 24, 1934, Steve hired noted builder and stone mason, Henry Kroeger, to construct a new building for $4,900.

The Grand Cafe, May 1935. Courtesy of Helen Sargent
The Grand Cafe, May 1935. Courtesy of Helen Sargent

In 1935, the new Grand Cafe opened its doors and catered to numerous patrons for nearly 70 years, its decor remained unchanged all that time. Due to a variety reasons, the Sargents had to close the doors. The Grand Cafe is still owned by the family, and when it may re-open is open to mere speculation.

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One thought on “The Grand Cafe & The Sargents”

  1. Fond memories of coffee and breakfast with Helen in the early 1980s…she did everything, literally, even when I wondered if/how she would make it up the hill…whether snow or ice or age! Thanks for the reminder, Tim.

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