The Fritter Funeral Bill

J.W. Fritter (left) and John Hamilton (right) at Fritter’s peach orchard, Eagle Lake—-Rev. C.R. Fritter

One never knows what I stumble across in my research. While reviewing the Lassen County Board of Supervisor’s minutes in regards to a topic on Westwood, I came across a rather unusual bill submitted to the county. Shortly after the death of her father, J.W. Fritter, Mrs. S. Pinola of 130 18th Street, Pacific Grove submitted a bill to the county to help defray her father’s funeral expenses. It should be noted that Fritter resided at Eagle Lake from 1884 to 1932, at which time he moved to Pacific Grove. Fritter did serve a term as a Lassen County Board of Supervisor from 1902-1906. The Board of Supervisors at their September 3, 1935 obliged and instructed the County Auditor to issue a warrant to Mrs. Pinola for $40. I have never come across a particular incident like this. What makes it even more bizarre was the Fritter and his daughter were not even Lassen County residents!

Remains of the Fritter ranch house at Eagle Lake, 1984

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One thought on “The Fritter Funeral Bill”

  1. J. W. was actually dismissed from the Board of the Supervisors in 1904 because it was determined he was living in the wrong district. 1904 was also the year in which he was involved in a gunfight in a saloon.

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