The Apple Crop of 1891

View of Richmond Road January 1916 from Winchester Hill. Susanville looking towards McClellands.

Many may not realize that at one time there was a large commercial apple crop being produced in the Honey Lake Valley. Locally, the apple growers benefited when the Nevada-California-Oregon Railroad extended its line into the Honey Lake Valley, thus providing a better access to markets. One of those growers was W.M. McClelland. He estimated that during the 1891 season that 20,000 boxes of Honey Lake apples had been shipped to markets in Los Angeles, Sacramento and San Francisco. McClelland noted that the price received was one dollar for a fifty-pound box. In his opinion, the grower received one-half of that amount. That made for a nice tidy sum back then.

On a final note, in 1882 McClelland purchased sixty-five acres on the south side of the Susan River that was dissected by Richmond Road, the majority of which he planted an apple orchard.

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2 thoughts on “The Apple Crop of 1891”

  1. In the mid 50’s we lived on the “Day” ranch near Bunningville, it had been part of the Honey Lake Valley apple growers.

    1. In the early 40’s my brother and I boarded with Ramseys parents on the lane running along Honey lake from Bunnyville.
      They grew potatoes.

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