Thank You Uncle Boyd

Main and Gay Streets, Susanville, 1924–Courtesy of Uncle Boyd Benham

Some may recall last month about the story of building the current Masonic Temple in Susanville. That article contained a rare photograph of the building under construction. At that time, I gave the photo credit to Uncle Boyd, but I knew nothing about him, or even a last name.

It was in that same month, Dr. Greg Boomer was cleaning his office in preparation of his successor. Boomer came across five professional photographs taken in 1924. They were attributed to Greg’s wife, Connie’s family. When the Boomer’s opened practice in Susanville, Connie’s Aunt Hazel Benham sent them in case they might want to use them. Hazel was married to Boyd Benham. To make a long story short, in September 1924 Boyd’s father, Ed Benham moved his family to Susanville when he assumed the role of manager of the Liberty Theater. A member of the Benham clan was a professional photographer from Marysville who took the photographs while on a visit.

The reason for this account, is that from time to time, I am asked how I locate various historical photographs. This is one of many examples.

Also, a big thank you to Connie & Greg Boomer for sharing the photographs.

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