Susanville’s Wacky Population Figures

Susanville, circa 1936

With the establishment of the Lassen Lumber & Box Company in 1918 and three years later Fruit Growers Supply Company on the outskirts of Susanville the region experienced a huge influx of population. Yet, if one examines the census records it reveals a different story. Susanville’s population in 1930 was 1,358. In 1940 it rose to 1,565.  However, that does not tell the whole story.  Susanville’s eastern boundary ended at Weatherlow Street. In 1940, the area east of Susanville proper, which the census designated as Milwood Farms had a population of 3,672. In 1947, after numerous attempts to annex that region into the City of Susanville, it finally happened. Guess what? In 1950, the census reported that Susanville’s population had a dramatic increase with a population of 5,338. Nearly 3,000 more than in 1940.


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