Susanville’s City Hall

Susanville city/fire hall.
Susanville city/fire hall.

In November 1921, a fire started at the Native Sons of the Golden West Hall on the corner of Lassen and Nevada Streets. The two-story wooden structure quickly spread next door, which ironically housed the city’s fire hall, and it, too, was destroyed in the blaze.

It was not until June 26, 1923, that the City approved the construction of a combination city/fire hall.  The voters approved $15,000 in bonds for the new structure. Of note, the City hired noted Nevada architect, Frederick deLongchamps to design it.

In 2000, during the City’s centennial it was determined that City Hall needed an upgrade. It was a complete retrofitting and nearly tripled the size to 10,000 square feet. It was not cheap either, at a cost of $1,323,752.

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