Susanville Street Names

A serene Cottage Street scene, circa 1906. Courtesy of Betty Barry Deal
A serene Cottage Street scene, circa 1906. Courtesy of Betty Barry Deal

It is interesting to note that when the first town plat of Susanville was surveyed only three streets were named after individuals–Lassen, Roop and Weatherlow.  Fast forward to 1912, when the town’s largest adjoining subdivision, Lassen Townsite, was laid out nearly all the over half of the streets were named for individuals. Those streets such as Alexander, Knoch, Pardee, Minckler, were named for the investors.

In future posts, we will delve into the history of the street names, and who were these people. For instance, Mark Street was named for Mark Arnold, the seventeen-year-old son of Alexander and Susan Roop Arnold, who died in 1898.

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