Susanville Roundhouse Revisited

The Southern Pacific Roundhouse, Susanville, 1947. G. Dunscomb Collection

When I first wrote about this in 2015, I knew nothing about it. Since then I have gained more knowledge. The roundhouse was built in1914, and what was rather unusual it was a mile east of the Susanville Depot. Normally, it would have been much closer to the depot. However, things were complicated since all the surrounding property, though undeveloped was part of the Lassen Townsite subdivision. It must have looked extremely out of place when constructed as there was nothing in that area, since it was before Lassen Lumber and Fruit Growers.

From 1925 to 1929, Fred Abbey was foreman of the roundhouse with a crew of four It was equipped with four stalls to service and to conduct minor repairs to locomotives. Any major work was taken to Sparks, Nevada. The whole operation was short-lived as it closed down in 1930, and the railroad did not dismantle it until the 1950s. In a sense it was a fluke, as it was built on the pretense that the railroad line would be built to Klamath Falls, Oregon, but the furthest it was built to was Westwood Junction.

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