Susanville, Nevada – 1952

Smoke Creek Desert
Smoke Creek Desert looking towards Sheepshead, fall, 1977

In the spring of 1952, another Nevada annexation movement sprung to life. In this particular instant it involved annexing Lassen, Modoc and Plumas counties to the Battle Born state.

An intrepid reporter of Susanville’s Lassen Advocate did an informal survey of talking to people one day to get a feeling. Interesting the responses were divided. Here is a sampling of a few:

Opal Proffitt, “I don’t I’d like be in Nevada. I don’t like the idea of gambling. Mrs. James Hodges stated that it feels like we are a part of Nevada and had no objections. George Lovell “I’d like to belong to Nevada myself. They have no debt and think we’d all be benefitted.”. Norman Vornado “I would be against it. I am a teacher and the pay in that field is far below California’s rate.” William Blackmer “I think we’re a part of California and we’d better stay there. Finally, J.F. McGrath “We need to protect Lassen’s virtue, with annexation there would be wide open gambling.”

So it goes, just another failed annexation movement.

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