Susanville – Cy’s Dairy

The flooded dairy, April 1938. Courtesy of Betty Barry Deal
The flooded dairy, April 1938. Courtesy of Betty Barry Deal

In 1909, Cy Houghton arrived in Lassen County. After the establishment of Westwood, Cy went to work for the Red River Lumber Company. In 1934, he located to Susanville and opened a dairy, which is now Memorial Park.  In 1938, the dairy received extensive damage from the Piute Creek flood. At one point he considered abandoning the dairy, but changed his mind. In 1942, Cy’s Dairy closed for business. Not one to be idle, Cy later went to work for Sierra Army Depot and retired from the place in 1957.

Another view. Most people know this site today as Susanville Supermarket
Another view. Most people know this site today as Susanville Supermarket. Courtesy of Betty Barry Deal


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2 thoughts on “Susanville – Cy’s Dairy”

  1. Dad also worked for the school district in the lste 40’s. A lot of memories at that place. Neighborhood baseball field in the summer and ice skating in the winter.

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