Susanville, the Lassen County seat, is beautifully located at the base of a mountain range where the timber line meets the great expanse of Honey Lake Valley. The Susan River flows down its canyon from the west and through Susanville. Highways enter from four directions and the Southern Pacific railway runs east and west through the town and up the Susan River canyon. The population is 5,000.
The big lumber mills of the Lassen Lumber & Box Company and Fruit Growers Supply Company are located in Susanville employing 2,000 men between them and giving the community a big payroll. Several other smaller industries flourish. The farmers of the Honey Lake Valley and surrounding valleys bring their products to Susanville for sale or shipment and buy their merchandise.
The town has two miles of paved streets and other improvements that would be a credit to communities three times the size. There is an electric light system furnishing cheap power and the water system takes it water from a large spring several miles from Susanville in the mountains. A modern sewage disposal plant as just been built by the city to replace the old method of draining into the river.
Susanville has an excellent high school, three grammar schools, county library, five churches and several active fraternal groups and societies.
The above material was from a Lassen County Chamber of Commerce brochure.