Susanville – 145 North Roop Street

The Jules Alexander residence, circa 1911. Courtesy of Dick and Helen Harrison

Certain Susanville residences have undergone major renovations over the years. Take for instance the former Alexander residence at 145 North Roop Street. It was built in 1893 by Susanville merchant Abe Alexander, and was originally Italiante style, a style popular with Susanville’s Jewish community. Abe did not enjoy his new home for very long, for he moved to San Francisco. In the meantime, he sold the house to his brother, Jules Alexander.  In 1910, Jules had the home transformed into a Craftsman’s style. He continued to reside there until his death in 1935. Shortly, thereafter, his daughter and son-in-law, Jeanette and Jess Worley moved in to take of her mother, Rae. The Worley’s remained in the home until 1947, when they had a new brick home constructed next door, and that too  has been significantly altered.

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