Supan Sulfur Works

1935 signage for the sulfur works.

Can you believe it, here we are in the middle of September. Personally, I think this is the best time of the year around these parts. One of the places I like to visit is Lassen Volcanic National Park, as it becomes the “shoulder season.” Unfortunately, one of the many attractions Bumpass Hell is off limits this year, while the boardwalk undergoes major renovation. However, the Supan Sulfur Works is worth checking out. In 1865, Dr. Mathias Supan of Red Bluff filed a mineral right claim to the property. Dr. Supan would slowly expand his enterprise there, first with steam bath houses and later with a line of his own patent medicines.  The tale of the family’s involvement is an intriguing one. When Lassen Volcanic National Park was created in 1916, the Supan property was an “inholding one.” Actually, Drakesbad, Juniper Lake, plus others were privately owned properties located inside the park and for park service to acquire them was a slow and tedious process. It was not until 1952 when the park finally purchased the Supan property.


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