Steward House

Steward House
Steward House, date unknown

In the spring of 1864 work began on Susanville’s most elaborate structure to date, Jospeh and Lydia Steward’s two-story hotel on the northwest corner of Main and Gay Streets. It was advertised as, “This new and elegantly furnished hotel stands first in the State for comfort and accommodation for the traveling public, every room being well ventilated and neatly furnished. Even though Steward owned the hotel for less than a year, he sold to Miller & Kingsley for $7,256, the name never change with subsequent ownership.

On Tuesday night, July 18, 1893, a fire broke out in the rear of the Steward House and within minutes the entire building was engulfed in flames. Within a half hour, with erratic winds fanned the fire and the whole block were ablaze. The fire jumped Main Street and now the south side of the business district was on fire. In the end, it worst fire in Susanville’s history, the town’s entire business district was destroyed.

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