Secret Valley CCC and Wildlife Matters

A magpie nest along Mapes Road.

Not all of the CCC projects required a substantial workforce. Back in 2018 I wrote about the Magpie Menance. In May, 1936, Ray Bowen of the U.S. Biological Survey had a small crew of men working on duck and goose nesting grounds in the Standish-Litchfield area. Another concern was predatory fowl, namely crows and magpies. These birds would attack duck nests and destroy those eggs.

Bowen requested from the CCC for five men to conduct a predatory fowl drive to at least reduce their numbers. In two days 285 crows and 450 magpies were killed, along with their nest. Asa Brown, State Predatory Animal Trapper expressed his belief, based on experience in this field, that the two days work would save approximately five thousand game birds.


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