Remembering Diamond Mountain

Diamond Mountain, September 1975

It was a year ago when the North Complex fire erupted— that had the most impact here was the Sheep Fire that ravaged. Diamond Mountain which burned 29,571 acres. So today, is a gallery of various photographs of the mountain before the fire.

Diamond Mountain, circa 1940. Courtesy of Margaret A. Purdy
Diamond Mountain, 1950s.
A view of Diamond Mountain, from Lassen High School’s agriculture fields, 1916. Courtesy of D.M. Durst Collection
View of Richmond Road January 1916 from Winchester Hill. Susanville received four feet of snow in January, followed by below zero temperatures. After that it was the beginning of a twenty-year drought, with Honey Lake going dry in 1919, and not filling up until the spring of 1938.


P.S. – The Dixie Fire is causing havoc here. I am currently in an evacuation warning zone. So any inquiries have not been answered,  that is why.  I have more than sixty posts scheduled so there will not be any interruption, but reminder as a rule Tuesday, is my day off from posting.  Thank you for your understanding.  

The fire came over Janesville grade on the evening of August 16, 2021

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