Red River’s Massive Millpond

Log Rolling
Log Rolling, 1915 – Otto Kratzer Collection

Millponds at lumber mills are a relic of the past. Those who have recollections, especially if living nearby can attest during the summer months of the odiferous stench from them.

When the Red River Lumber Company established Westwood, it constructed one of the largest millponds in California, to go hand in hand with its mammoth mill. Of course, water attracts people, and this millpond did not go unnoticed.

Dive, 1915 courtesy of Otto Kratzer Collection

While researching the Red River series, it was most interesting, how the residents used this manmade water feature for recreational purposes. In the earliest of years, people fished, bathed and swam among activities. I was fortunate that Greg Hoots connected with me, and shared pictures from the Otto Kratzer collection of Westwood in 1915. Kratzer captured some interesting images of folks frolicking in the millpond. However, over the years it was also scene of several drownings.

Back flip
Back Flip, 1915, courtesy of Otto Katzner collection

After the mill closed down in 1956, the millpond was drained. In the 1960s it was proposed to bring back to a new life for recreational activities to be known as Pine Lake.

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