One More Remnant-Camp 10

Fruit Growers Supply Company, Camp 10, Pine Creek Valley, 1932.

Fruit Growers logging Camp 10 is unique that it lasted over twenty years and did not shut down until the end of the 1952 logging season. The camp was located at the northern end of Pine Creek Valley, near the creek. An interesting note, its water supply came from Bridge Creek Springs.

Camp 10, Cookhouse, December 15, 1950.

Camp 10’s remnants differed from that of Camp Harvey. One distinction is the camp was situated on both private and public lands. Also, due to the fact of its longevity there was bound to be lasting impacts. While there are structures at Camp Harvey, there are none to be found at Camp 10. Foundation remains of other residue are present.

Camp 10, 1950. The family cabins can be barely seen in the background.

The cabins were brought into Susanville and sold. There are a few that can still be spotted around town. Seasoned residents may recall a row on such cabins near Piute Creek and Roop Street that Dan Marmo rented. Dubbed by some as ‘wino shacks’ they had no plumping or heat. Some may know the location as the residence of Al and Joy Robbins, 713 Cherry Terrace, Susanville.




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