New Year’s Eve, Susanville, 1934

Story Club, 1924. Courtesy of Lola L. Tanner

The following is an account from the Lassen Mail about the local festivities. It included a dance held at Standish, at the Cindercone, which is still standing. The reference to the Story Club, is now the site of Susanville’s Riverside Park.

”Local residents ‘painted the town red’ here Monday evening to usher in the New Year with all the fitting and time honored customs and ceremonies.

”Three dances held, at Standish, the Commercial Hotel and the Story Club furnished ample entertainment to many while many private parties and ‘functions’ were organized to aid in the general whoopee. The public dances at Standish and the Commercial were well attended as was the more formal event of the Elks Ball at the Story Club.

The billiard room, Story Club, Susanville, 1923. Courtesy of the Fruit Growers Supply Company

Revelers were still wandering the streets at six or seven o’clock New Year’s Day but belied the general impression by hanging up a perfect record for sobriety and safety as traffic records can testify.

“A number of ‘prominent citizens’ were overheard in expressions of relief now that the annual celebration is over with, now its time to go back to work.”


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