McClelland Ranch, Eagle Lake

A group of bass fishermen at the McClelland Ranch, 1914.

This well known place on the north shore of Eagle Lake, happens to be first place settled there. On January4, 1870, Levi Button, a thirty-three old New Yorker, filed a land claim there for 160 acres.  Button’s main activity was prospecting and trapping. Button only remained there for a couple of years. Various individuals would lay claim to Button’s abandoned homestead, but it was not until the early 1880s when Adolph Schuler made a real go of it. After making numerous improvements he secured a federal land patent for the property. At first, it seemed he would quickly fade away when on  July 11, 1884, he sold out to James D. Byers for $1,000. Byers had an extensive livestock operation in the Honey Lake Valley and could utilize the Eagle Lake property for summer range. Schuler remained on the premises working for Byers. In 1902, Byers passed away and left a major portion of his estate to his nephew’s family, the McClellands, including the Eagle Lake property. It is still owned by the McClelland family.


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