Madeline School, Lassen County

The 1887 Madeline School petition.

In the fall of 1887 Madeline Plains residents petitioned the Lassen County Superintendent for a new district to be named Madeline. It was signed by thirteen residents who have sixteen children. After all, they cited the nearest school was Horse Lake. In 1888 the petition was granted.

A school house built at the A.W. Pinneo, three miles south of the present day Madeline. Then, in 1902, courtesy of the NCO railroad saw the creation of the town of Madeline. The district hired Ike Metcalf to construct a new school there. In the fall of the 1927, that school was destroyed by fire. The school trustees had planned to construct a new building. But another opportunity arose, and they purchased Cliff cCarter’s house and converted into a school. The Madeline School closed in 1968.

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