Local Dollars, Local Sense

Main Street, Susanville, 1925

From time to time there is some local banter about Michael Shulman’s book Local Dollars, Local Sense. The gist of it if everyone invested just one percent of their money locally, it would greatly enhance the local economy.

A century ago, that was certainly the case locally. At the same time, this is when chain stores were opening in Susanville. Some held the opinion that these stores were a “menace” since their profits did not remain in the community. It should be noted the town’s two banks, Lassen Industrial Bank and the Bank of Lassen County were local institutions—they had a vested interest in the area’s economic prosperity.

It is also noteworthy how the citizens, raised funds as incentives to have the Lassen Lumber & Box Company and Fruit Growers Supply Company establish their lumber mills in Susanville. For Lassen Lumber the citizen’s offer was a 40-acre mill site, with water rights and $8,000 cash. For Fruit Growers 243 residents pledged a cash bonus of $41,130. Both investments paid off handsomely for the community.


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