Lassen Union High School, 1936

Lassen Union High School, 1942

Schools are a perfect example of changes taking place all the time. On February 3, 1936, Lassen Union High School implemented a new schedule. Before the school trustees adopted the new program considerable input came from the faculty and the students.

School began at 8:45 a.m. The new schedule provide a thirty minute period prior to the noon hour. This enabled students on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday an opportunity to work on their hobbies, learn new skills, take advantage of the typing room, study hall or to confer with teachers. Thursday and Fridays were devoted for students to participate in meetings of various school organizations. It was the general consensus this allowed the valley students to engage in more school activities than in past because because they were denied such, due to them departing on the bus schedule. 

It should be noted the lunch period was from noon to 12:45 p.m. The school day concluded at 3:38 p.m.


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