Isaac Roop Goes West

Isaac Newton Roop,, 1822-1869

Some people experience more life changing events than others. This was the case of Susanville’s founder Isaac Roop. In 1850, Roop was widowed at the age of 28 with three small children. In that same year, his brother who operated a store in the mining community of Shasta, California urged Isaac to come to California to operate the store temporarily, so he could return East and bring back his family out West. Isaac obliged and left his children in care of his in-laws and arrived in Shasta in September 1850. Tragedy struck again, for durng Josiah’s journey back East he died along the way. Isaac remained in Shasta with the store responsibility but also to probate his brother’s estate.

On June 14, 1853, Shasta was destroyed by fire and Roop found himself destitute. He then set out on the Nobles Trail to seek a location for the establishment of a trading post and came upon the Honey Lake Valley. In September 1853, Roop claimed the land that eventually became Susanville and returned to Shasta for the winter. The following summer, Roop along with his brother Ephraim, built a log cabin and established his trading post. Eventually, it evolved  into the town of Susanville where he lived the rest of his life, passing away from pneumonia on Valentine’s Day 1869.

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