Hill’s Market, Susanville

Hill’s Market—-Phil Long

It was on this date in 1931, Hubert “Hoolie” Hill opened Hill’s Market in the Knoch Building on the corner of Main and Lassen Streets. Hill was formerly associated with the Mt. Lassen Packing Company. The market was also known as the Red & White. In 1939, Hill opened a second store on Highway 36, next to the Meadows and across from the Coppervale Ski area. He sold that store in 1941, and it became known as the Meadows Market.

Hill died in 1949, but his wife, Thelma carried on with the market until the early 1970s. Unfortunately, I do not have the exact year when it closed. It is one of those research challenges created by Covid-19, as access to certain records hampers research.

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2 thoughts on “Hill’s Market, Susanville”

  1. Remember Hills Market growing up. Got to know Thelma pretty well back in the 1980s, she was active in the Masonic ladies groups. Her nickname was “Sarge” because she acted as the drill Sargent with the ritual work. She always called me “Jimmers”, but I never knew why. Quite the personality, thanks for sharing the history of the market.

  2. I need some clarification on Hub Hills wife’s name. The recollections I have are Hubert Hill married my grandfathers sister Mildred Long. Mildred ran the Red and White with her brother Phil Long and his wife Barbara. Phil could always be found behind the meat counter and Barbara helped on the registers. Thelma is a name that I have no recollection of. I have been going through family pictures and there is no Thelma Hill. Hub was always referred to as Uncle Hub by my mother.

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