Go Take a Hike—Susanville Ranch Park

Known today as the Susanville Ranch Park, for many years it was the John T. Long Ranch.

Susanville Ranch Park is a 1,100-acre county park located on the northwest edge of Susanville. In 1856, William Weatherlow settled there and remained until his death in 1864. William Long purchased the ranch and his family operated it for nearly fifty years. In 1935, Republic Electric Power acquired the property, which was succeeded by CP National. In 1984, that power company donated the land to the County of Lassen.

Since that time, it has evolved into an open space park. It contains twenty-eight miles of hiking trails! Motorized vehicles are prohibited. The trails vary for the casual walker all the way to advanced mountain bikers.

Personally, I think September and October are some of the best times to go hiking, whether a leisurely stroll, or something more strenuous. At the main parking lot, there is an informative kiosk, which one can pick up a free brochure and map of the trails. Go explore and enjoy this wonderful asset.

For a bit of historical trivia relating to the park. In 1966, Lassen College examined the property as a possible location for its new campus. They liked what they saw, but the asking price of $3,500 was beyond their means.


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