Frodsham Photographs

Fifth Street, Westwood, 1923

Recently, I have been in receipt of some photographs taken Harold Frodsham (1879-1958). Frodsham came to Westwood in the spring of 1920, while working for General Electric. Red River Lumber Company was retrofitting its powerhouse and building its Hamilton Branch hydro plant. Red River hired Frodsham originally as its efficiency expert, and was later transferred to various management positions,  Frodsham did among other things was a lot of photography work for Red River at Westwood.

In the near future, these will be featured along with stories about the scenes in particular such as the Westwood Rod & Gun Club.


One thought on “Frodsham Photographs”

  1. Would like to see some history on the “Company” built homes in Westwood, which fell into disrepair and recently, as I understand, have rebounded. The story is they were build with red wood, so they will outlive civilization. Great story I once heard, that the Company ran pipes down the streets, sidewalks, and up to the houses and ran steam to melt the snow in the winter so the employees could get to work. I went to Herlong High (65 grad) and played basket ball in the old gym/opera house. What a place!

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