Elk for Lassen County?

Where the buffalo and elk roam at Wingfield Ranch. Courtesy of Lola L. Tanner

On September 23, 1912 J.S. Hunter the head of California State Fish & Game Commission paid a visit to local game warden Frank Cady. Hunter had been a frequent visitor of Lassen County to inspect different aspects of wildlife. He informed Cady that he thought that  the commission should plant a herd of elk in Lassen County. Hunter stated that government preserves had an abundant supply of elk and thought they would thrive in this region. In addition, Hunter recommended the planting of pheasants.

While the state never introduced elk to Lassen County, George Wingfield brought in elk and buffalo at his ranch at the the base of Diamond Mountain. After Wingfield sold his ranch, the buffalo were taken to Reno. In time, the elk roamed the region with reports that the last one killed about 1940 on nearby Bald Mountain.



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