Eagle Lake Biological Field Station Update

Eagle Biology372

At the October 2015 meeting of the Eagle Lake Interagency Board, the Bureau of Land Management reported that Chico State University was exploring avenues to close down the facility. At that time, the Bureau of Land Management reported that they would be willing to take back the property they donated to the University back in 1964. However, they stated in order to do so, the University would have to remove all improvements, i.e, buildings etc. At the moment, from my limited knowledge on the topic, it appears everything is at a standstill, as the University does not want to be burden with the costs of removal. However, another educational institution could take it over.  When I was still on the Lassen College Board, I brought up this topic, but it has not gained traction.

The field station was the creation of biology instructor Doctor Vesta Holt. The first classes were taught at Spaulding Tract in 1945. In the early 1950s, with increased enrollment studies were moved to the south shore at the Eagle Lake Resort. After the Merrill Flat Fire of 1955, operations were moved to Susanville and Westwood and until a new home could be located. It was not until 1964, when a new home was located just north of the abandoned Bly Tunnel and in 1968 dedication ceremonies were held at the new facility.

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