Did You Know?

Cinder Cone, 1967—National Park Service

While Lassen Volcanic National Park is known for its many hydrothermal features, and of course, Lassen Peak as a volcano. Many visitors and area residents are not aware that inside the park, there is not only the Lassen Peak volcano, but more. What is unique is there are four different types of volcanoes in the park. To me that is amazing to have such in a small area.

We begin with Prospect Peak, shield volcano, a broad dome with sloping sides. Next is Brokeoff Mountain, which is unique in the fact it is a remnant of ancient Mount Tehama. This is what is known as a composite volcano—conical shape buildup of many layers of lava and ash. Cinder Cone derives its name as a cinder cone volcano that was formed when a single vent violently shoots gas charged lava into the air and falls back as cinder rock. Last but not least, is Lassen Peak. It is one of the largest plug dome volcanoes in the world. Its formed by slow moving lava and bulbous formation.

There is your geology lesson for the day, enjoy your surroundings!

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