Crystal Lake, Plumas County

Crystal Lake, Plumas County, 1914—-C.R. Caudle Collection

Crystal Lake is located just southwest of Taylorsville. It is on my list of places to check out in 2021. 

While I do not know much about the lake, I do know about the photographer, R.E. Stinson. Robert Stinson was born in Quincy in 1882, and followed in his father’s footsteps as a commercial photographer. It was a tough trade to operate a business in a rural region. So like many others it became necessary to be itinerate traveling from community to community for business. In 1913, Red River hired Stinson as their company photographer, who at the time was located in Red Bluff. Stinson’s main job was to make a complete photographic inventory of all the buildings being constructed in the town, as well as the sawmill plant. A portion of this collection exists in the T.B. Walker papers housed with the Minnesota Historical Society. Stinson just happened to be at the right place at the right time, when Lassen Peak set off a series of volcanic eruptions beginning in 1914. Unfortunately, for Stinson and other photographers such as P.J. Thompson, are overshadowed by that B.F. Loomis, but that is another story, for another time. Stinson stay at Westwood was brief and left Red River in 1915. He later returned back to the region and when he died in 1932, he was buried in the Westwood Cemetery.

Robert Stinson
Robert Stinson’s grave at the Westwood Cemetery.




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