Clampers Invade Susanville

Neversweat ECV528

On August 4, 1984 some 500 members of the fraternal organization known as E Clampus Vitus descended upon Susanville. The occasion was the chartering of the Neversweat Chapter #1863 of the E Clampus Vitus and the dedication of the Pioneer, the oldest establishment in Northeastern California. The organization has been around since days of the California gold rush, and was a spoof on the more refined fraternal organizations of the day. In the 1930s it went through a revival and focused on marking historical sites and having a good time while doing so. The Neversweat Chapter was not the first for Susanville, as a lodge existed in 1868. In the early 1880s there were several lodges in Modoc County.

Back to that day at hand, the Lassen Advocate summed it by reporting, “By 7:30 a.m. most area residents were awakening for breakfast and routine Saturday tasks, the revelry at the Pioneer was already in full swing. Clampers were 3 to 4 deep at the bar, the beer was flowing and festive mood in the air. The celebrants began arriving at 6:00 a.m. and spilled from the sidewalk into the eastbound lanes of Main Street. Traffic was undoubtedly light during the early morning celebration.”

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2 thoughts on “Clampers Invade Susanville”

  1. My 3rd great grandfather, Joseph Zumwalt , brought the Clamper Charter to California in the early 1860’s. We have a Clamper stone at our cabin at Almanor, recognizing it as a historical landmark and my connection to him. Jenni Cesarin

  2. What do you think of the Clampers, Tim. I’ve wondered if they are worth joining? My heavy partying days are behind me.

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