Answers to Some of Your Questions

Lake Cemetery 1978

A reader wanted to know about the grave of Charles Crawford which inscribed on his tombstone “killed by Indians, May 21, 1858”. I will put together information about him and his gravesite, the Lake Cemetery, the oldest cemetery in Lassen County. Its my desire to go there a take current photographs, part of my recovery tour.

As to place names, I have done a lot on this topic. Alaska Canyon in the Madeline country has intrigued me as to why it was so named. In addition, its one place that I have never been to. Another Madeline Plains name is that of Skeleton Flat (Section 26, T 36 N R14 E, MDM). According to some, its origin were a result of the Pearson Massacre that occurred near Amedee in 1868.  The Pearson Massacre was the last major Indian/White conflict in the region.  It was followed by numerous campaigns by the settlers to exterminate any Indians associated with the Massacre.  As the story is told, a posse encountered Indians there and killed them.  The skeletons, and later scattered bones, could be seen for many years after the event.


2 thoughts on “Answers to Some of Your Questions”

  1. Hi Tim,
    My name is Michael. I live just beyond Leavitt Lake.

    My question is, what is the meaning of the name of Wooden Peg Ranch, on
    Termo Rd. (or Grasshopper Rd.) Not sure I spelled it right. But that seems to be the sound of the name.

    My guess is the original owners were Woodrow & Peggy… something. Am I close?

  2. Elmer and Nellie Williams owned that ranch before it became known as the Wood N Peg ranch. I believe Peggy was a neice of theirs and her last name was Woodrich.

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