An Early Day Dentist Bill

Doctor Deacon’s dentist bill for the Emerson family 1903-04

Believe it or not, over a century ago many professional occupations such as dentist, doctors and lawyers struggled financially. While compiling the history of the northern California operations of Fruit Growers Supply Company, I met Tom Gilfoy who illustrated that aspect, In 1950-51, Tom attended Lassen Junior College. He would spend the next two summers working in woods for Fruit Growers Supply Company. He said he made more money during those summers, than he did his first few years as an attorney.

Anyhow, when I had request for information on the Emerson Ditch, I knew it would require sorting through the Emerson files in my archive. While I did locate information on the ditch, I found an assortment of interesting documents.

Dr. A.P. Deacon was a Susanville dentist in the early 1900s. His office was located on the first floor of the Lassen Street side in the Emerson Hotel. Like his fellow predecessor, Dr.J.G. Leonard, whose home would later become the Elks Lodge struggled with patients for payment of services rendered. This had a ripple effect wherein Deacon fell behind on his rent payments with C.E. Emerson. In 1904, he moved his practice to Willows, California and the prospects there were not any better. Unable to make a payment to Emerson, on August 31, 1905, Deacon wrote this letter;

”Friend Charley – Tomorrow is the date that the first of my notes [promissory] is due, but I am very sorry to say that I am unable to pay it at present. I will, however, send you whatever amount I can spare each month, until I am out of your debt. Thank you very much for your opinion of me, if some of the people up there would make an effort to pay me that I do to pay my bills, we would all get along much better. I have the highest regard for Dr. Dozier as a man could be, of course he had his faults, but then none of us are perfect, and I sincerely hope that he has cut out the booze and his former type of companions, and is doing well. Everything is quiet here, but the prospects are good. “


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