Susanville Airport

Postmaster Elmer Winchell with Ben Curler at the inagural airmail flight at the Susanville airport on May 19, 1938.
Postmaster Elmer Winchell with Ben Curler at the inagural airmail flight at the Susanville airport on May 19, 1938.

In the mid-1920s an impromptu airstrip was developed at the north end of Spring Street.  At first Red River Lumber Company, owner of the property had no objections. That changed with their intentions of the proposed Piute railroad logging line.

In 1928, the Lassen County Chamber of Commerce appointed a special aviation committee to locate a new airport. They recommended the Hanford tract at Johnstonville. It met several criteria, as the property was inexpensive and only required a small expenditure to construct an airport. In addition there was plenty of open space for future expansion and very few homes. Aviators did not like it, since it was too far from Susanville.

On August 22, 1928, Lassen County purchased the Hanford Tract for $1,700.  The following year, the City of Susanville purchased 40 adjoining acres to extend the runway. The initial work was done to clear the property of vegetation and more importantly to fence it to keep livestock off of the runway.

On August 17, 1930, the first day of the Lassen County Fair, the Susanville airport was dedicated. John L. Davie, Mayor of Oakland, and a former Lassen County resident had the honors to preside over the event. He told the crowd of 400 that he applauded the efforts of the community in making an airport a reality. Finally, it should be noted that on April 8, 1932, Lassen County assigned all of its interest in the airport to the City.

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