A New Susanville School

The grammar school, 1915. Courtesy of Royce Houston

On June 2, 1899, the voters of the Susanville School District approved a $12,500 bond measure to build a new school, to replace the existing two-story wooden structure built in 1873. It would be a slow process for a new school to become a reality. First, it took some time to find a buyer for the bonds. Then there was a question whether to retain the same location or move to somewhere else. In December 1899, it was decided to remain where the existing school was, but to purchase an adjoining vacant lot to enlarge the school grounds. In March 1900, the District awarded the contract to build a two-story brick building to Reno contractor, C.E. Clough. It is interesting to note, that four substantial brick buildings were constructed at the same time, the Emerson Hotel, Methodist Church and Oakes &Philbrook Furniture Store.


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