A Lonely Job

George Moore digging out a speeder at Camp 10, January 10, 1952.

Fruit Growers Supply Company’s Camp 10, located in Pine Creek Valley, west of Eagle Lake was a lively outpost from spring through fall, where over 200 people called it home. For a time it could even boast its own voting precinct. Yet, when the logging season ended, Camp 10 was de-populated, except for one lone soul. A caretaker was hired to keep an eye on everything. In the winter of 1951-52, George Moore was Camp 10 sole resident. The position would soon be eliminated as at the end of the 1952 logging season Camp 10 closed for good.


Camp 10 cabins, January 10, 1952.

One thought on “A Lonely Job”

  1. Old George must have been one tough dude. It appears he is shoveling snow without a shirt on. I remember winters in Westwood, don’t think I would be doing that.

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