A Fruit Growers Relic

The No. 3 courtesy of Tim Steinmeier

Earlier this year, Tim Stienmeier, while at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona sent along this photograph of the Climax No. 3 locomotive that the Fruit Growers Supply Company used at their Hilt Operation. It should be noted that Fruit Growers discontinued railroad logging at Hilt in 1933. For many years the No. 3 was parked along an old freight shed. In 1954, the Southern California Chapter of the Railway Locomotive Society became aware of this relic and inquired about its status. Fruit Growers agreed to donate it to the Society on the condition that organization would have the burden of the costs to move it from Hilt to Los Angeles. Once the mission accomplished the Climax No. 3 once cleaned up was put on permanent display at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds, though it kind looks a bit neglected these days.


2 thoughts on “A Fruit Growers Relic”

  1. An unexpected, but pleasant surprise to see this article. I’m happy it could be of use to you. And, yes, it’s a shame this hasn’t been better cared for.

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