Roop Street Remnants

Roop Street Remains, September 3, 2018

On March 5, 1903, Jules Alexander, John Borrette, Isaac Knoch, Sol Nathan and John Spalding formed the Susanville Creamery Company.  By the end of the month, the newly formed company hired Herman Enhorning and Charles Odette to construct a creamery at the end of Roop Street, near Piute Creek for $1,925. By July the new creamery was in operation. There were problems. There were too many creameries in the area with others being located at Johnstonville, Spoonville and Standish. Equally important, there was not enough dairy cattle and labor to support all four. This would change in the 1920s with Bennett & Cardinal, but that is another story.

On February 25, 1921, L.R. Cady, C.W. Hallowell and E.H. Brouillard formed Model Laundry.  They took over the defunct Susanville Creamery building and converted into a laundry shop. They built an additional building to handle dry cleaning. Some time around 1947, (I do not have the actual date) Model Laundry, under new ownership built a new facility on the corner of North Spring and Main Streets. What became of the Roop Street buildings, whether dismantled or destroyed by fire, I do not know. The portion of the foundations is all that remains.


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