Skedaddle Creek

Skedaddle Creek, 1922. Carl R. Caudle Collection
Skedaddle Creek, 1922. Carl R. Caudle Collection

This is an interesting stream which has a small drainage area of 32.1 square miles. In times of very wet years, it can be a raging to torrent. There were several proposals to dam the creek, which will be explored in a future column.

Skedaddle Dam, 1992. Courtesy of Ginger Martinez
Skedaddle Dam, 1992. Courtesy of Ginger Martinez

In 1994, the abandoned Skedaddle dam found a new use. It was used as tee-off for an unusual golf tournament. The one-hole course ended at Chalk Bluffs.  This is one those tales, that needs no further details, but a good time was had by all.

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5 thoughts on “Skedaddle Creek”

  1. Love skedaddle creek! Hike up there frequently and enjoy a swim in the water holes during the summer . The wildlife is amazing.

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