Queen Lena I

Queen Lena
Queen Lena the first, September 24, 1902. Courtesy of Betty Barry Deal

As promised, here is the story behind the coronation.

On September 24, 1902, Miss Lena Long won a lively contest to be crowned Queen, which was part of the festivities of the first Lassen County Fair to be held in ten years.

The coronation was a highlight of the fair, which began at 10:00 a.m. Queen Lena I and her attendants rode in decorated carriages from South Gay Street to Main and then to the head of Main Street where the new bandstand had been erected. When she arrived at her throne the Lord Mayor, E.V. Spencer performed the Crowning Ceremony. It was reported that, “Queen Lena as she sat on her throne looked the ideal Queen. Her robe, one of the most handsome money could procure, could not have been worn by a more lovely woman. Tall, stately, of the brunette type of beauty, Queen Lena is one of the most handsome of California’s fair daughters and as every one knows, California contains more lovely women than any spot on earth. “

The conclusion of the coronation was followed by a street parade. In the evening a reception and dance was held at the Emerson in honor of Queen Lena.

Lena later married Fred D. Hall and spent most of her life on their ranch near Standish. She passed away in Susanville in 1946.

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3 thoughts on “Queen Lena I”

  1. She was so beautiful! What a great story and photo! This is one of my favorite posts so far! Thank you!

    1. Tim, I forgot to ask if you know what color her dress was? Details of her crown? I love that era, and I’m a big fan of black and white photo restoration. Thanks for all of your hard work, and I hope you recover soon. Take care!

  2. Helena Viola Long Hall (1878 – 1946)
    Above is the reason I could not find anything on her family.
    I did not have the correct name.

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